(908) 583-5630


Non-Surgical Treatments in New Jersey

Non-Surgical in New Jersey | Joseph Alkon, MD


Microneedling is a minimally-invasive, non-surgical treatment used to improve the texture and tone of your skin. This skin rejuvenation treatment can improve the overall health and quality of your skin.

Microneedling may help with the following:

  • Acne scars and wound healing
  • Improve fine lines and wrinkles
  • Minimize the appearance of enlarged pores
  • Treat alopecia or hair loss
  • Improve the appearance of surgical scars
  • Improve skin tightening, lifting, and rejuvenation

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers can be the answer for individuals looking to restore a more youthful appearance. They are FDA-approved products that are injected into the skin as an office based procedure. They may increase the fullness of the lips, cheeks, or other areas, and are used to soften wrinkles and creases, sharpen the jawline, and enhance shallow contours.

Results are temporary, and regular treatments are necessary to maintain the desired effects. Often, dermal fillers may be used in conjunction with other skin rejuvenation treatments such as injections of BOTOX or DYSPORT®.


DYSPORT® and BOTOX are both FDA-approved medications used to treat wrinkles and frown lines. Squinting, raising the eyebrows, and other certain facial expressions can cause wrinkles and creases in the skin. These office-based injections help relax the muscles causing this – giving a more youthful, refreshed appearance. Both work similarly, so only one product (DYSPORT® and BOTOX) is used during your office visit.

Common areas for treatment include between the brows, crows-feet around the eyes, and horizontal forehead lines and creases. Contact our office to schedule a consultation to see if BOTOX or DYSPORT® is right for you.


Kybella, approved by the FDA, is an injection that destroys fat cells under the chin, commonly known as the “double chin.” Kybella™ is injected directly into the fat under your chin. Its primary active ingredient, deoxycholic acid, works to eliminate fat. Depending on the desired results, some patients require more than one session.

By eliminating fat, Kybella can reduce a “double chin” appearance, giving a more contoured jaw and neckline.

PRP Hair Restoration

PRP Hair Restoration is a hair treatment that is popular for both men and women who are experiencing hair loss, thinning hair, or receding hairlines. PRP treatments naturally restore hair without the scarring associated with other hair loss treatments. This office-based procedure uses growth factors from your own blood to stimulate the growth of hair.

In PRP hair restoration, naturally occurring growth factors are taken from your own blood and injected into the scalp to stimulate hair regrowth and rejuvenation. The procedure is quick and relatively painless.

PRP may also be used as part of the treatment of scars and skin rejuvenation. A consultation can help determine which options may be right for you.

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